Never forget, it is not your power which over the temporal world holds sway, but The Gods' own providence.

Reaching this place, your worth proven, The path for you shall open.

Zerynthia Project is an OCRP project with fantasy as its main genre. With intricate lore and storyline, it provides boundless opportunities of exploration.Zerynthia itself is a vast land in a certain dimension, which contains four main lands that's divided by cardinal points.

To the north, lies Neith. The southern part of the lands is owned by Ein. For the western area, it's dominated by Alovetta. As of the eastern part, Synestia has the reign.

Chapter 1: Origin of Zerynthia (0-3500 BC Zerynthian Calendar)

Long ago, the world of Zerynthia was built by the God who eventually splitted Himself into 12 for the sake of the world’s stability. The 12 Gods were then adored and worshipped by Zerynthians. They were :1. Elemental Gods:God of Fire
Goddess of Water
God of Earth
God of Wind
They were the Gods of the West, the area of Holy Empire of Alovetta
2. Blessing Gods:Goddess of Wisdom
Goddess of Courage
Goddess of Mercy
They were Goddesses of the East, the area of Synestia Kingdom’s Alliance, which would later evolve into an empire
3. Special Gods:God of Peace
God of Purity
Goddess of Fate
They were Gods and Goddesses of the North, the area of Dominion of Neith
4. Chief Gods:God of War
Goddess of Species
They were God and Goddess of the South, the area of Dark Domain : Republic of Ein

Not long after Zerynthia was built with 1 enormous continent, completed with 4 different seasons in each area and with various races as the citizens, the 12 Gods created sources of power which would maintain the structure of the world as rightful as it should be. As simple it is to put it, it’d look like a horde full of rays of lights, flying around Zerynthia.As thousands of years passed by, for the 12 Gods, those fleeting years felt like seconds. At the time, the intelligence of men was not yet to be keen. Hence, their actions based on pure instinct―which caused great wars throughout the continent, leading them to a huge crisis at the time. In the end, they initiated summoning rituals towards the intangible 12 Gods, ended up materializing them in human forms. All 12 Gods had superior human bodies than the common ones.This incident became the reason of the 12 Gods’ incentive to step in, by creating a country to put back various aspects of life ; including avoiding the risk of misuse towards Noieverre Crater, a crater filled with powerful forces. In the count of years, all of Zerynthia area was under the jurisdiction of a new country named Republic of Ein. Republic of Ein was the most prosperous and thriving country, with a republic state which was led directly by the God of War and Goddess of Species, assisted by the other gods and goddesses.Republic of Ein’s area was then divided by 4 autonomous areas, which were led by each of their gods and goddesses. Elven Land of Alovetta in the west(led by Elemental Gods), Isthmus of Noiverre in the north (led by Special Gods), Cargo District of Synestia in the east (led by Blessing Gods), and Capital City of Eldenbaum in the south (led by Chief Gods).

Chapter 2: Crisis Core (3499-1 BC Zerynthian Calendar).

Slowly yet surely, the seemingly everlasting peace was proven to only be an illusionary happiness. As improvements of technology and magic kept on advancing, along with worldly desires as the mind’s toxin. In the end, leaders of Republic of Ein gave in to the greed and fear of the potential of having the other gods and goddesses take over the throne.God of War, ever true to His name, then started wars and invasions towards the areas which had their own autonomous rights which were protected by the rightful gods and goddesses. With inhumane ways, for glory only. With the help of Goddess of Species whom was able to create various monsters and bizarre species as their armies, the Chief Gods easily created disasters throughout the lands.The peak of it all was when they created a weapon of mass destruction, Carronoah. Carronoah was a gigantic cannon, with the size of a small city, fueled by dead bodies, souls, and negative emotions which belonged to humans. The tighter the bond between the sacrificed body with the target, the more disastrous the effect of Carronoah’s would be. To use it, the user must sacrifice one or more humans, adjusted to the desired explosion power. The sacrificed one must be tortured to the point they almost die and driven insane due to the pain. This was due the fact that Carronoah had no ability to automatically process a soul with positive energy (said energy was called as Caelux), into a soul with negative energy (said energy was called as Hex).The bigger the negative emotion, the bigger the explosion. Because of it, little numbers of people survived the torture even before they were sacrificed for the use of Carronoah.This triggered the wrath of the other gods and goddesses from the other wind direction, whom ended up leading the other 3 autonomous areas which were out of the Chief Gods’ grasp. All in order to rebel against them, for the sake of opposing the Capital City of Eldenbaum’s wrongdoings.

War was then initiated, with the eastern lands of Zerynthia as the center of the war. The logistic area was then slowly decimated due to the raging war. Lands which were once fertile, became barren. Along with various living beings which came to their extinction.Nevertheless, in the end, after a prolonged crisis due to the fierce war, karma started to play. Carronoah Cannon, which was about to shoot its blow with full power after sacrificing Eldenbaum’s own citizens, finally suffered from overload and spilled the contained Hex towards its own capital and delivered its self-destruct. Note that Hex’s explosion which was shot towards a certain area would cause a huge explosion, along with the appearance of toxic mist and astral beings as a form of the Carronoah sacrifices’ negative emotions.The incident, or rather accident, became the cause behind Capital City of Eldenbaum’s destruction. Goddess of Species then sacrificed herself, giving away the rest of her holy powers only to ensure God of War’s life. In essence, gods and goddesses would remain eternal as long as they still had their own signature holy powers within them. Hence, once Goddess of Species gave hers away to ensure God of War’s life, her life came to an end. Despite all that, the dying God of War was successfully cornered and killed by the other gods and goddesses.However, since God of War hadn’t lost all of his holy powers before he was killed, he then still had the ability to reincarnate in a new vessel in the future. God of War and Goddess of Species had left an offspring, whom was still a toddler at that time.Didn’t want the Hex contamination to spread even further throughout Zerynthia, the 3 countries agreed to use the power of Caelux from the crater of Noieverre in the northern area, all in order to seal Capital City of Eldenbaum which was the most damaged by the Hex contamination and had the most terrifying monsters and bizarre species.

Chapter 3: Ground Zero (1-846 AC Zerynthian Calendar)

In the end, the years of post-war were filled with attempts of purification upon the contaminated areas due to the Hex’s accidental explosion. But, due to the deaths of Chief Gods, slowly, the balance of Zerynthia started to crumble. It was supposed to have 12 Gods to maintain the stability, yet with the loss of 2 Gods, it would be proven impossible to keep Zerynthia stable. Hence, occurred Cataclysm, a natural disaster which ruined the whole Zerynthia, killed tons of people, and decimated various grounds, including the 3 countries which stopped the tyranny of the Chief Gods. The leftover 10 Gods then used the rest of their powers to reunite the once scrambled world. Realizing they wouldn’t be able to maintain their human forms any longer, they then left holy books (called Zen Codex) for each area that they protected, with the hope that their successors could maintain Zerynthia’s stability.Afterwards, the 10 Gods erased everyone’s memory related to the war upon Republic of Ein and the Cataclysm, remodelled the whole world. Everyone’s, except for their true successors which were residing within Isthmus of Noieverre, which would be later known as Dominion of Neith. They were trusted to be the guardians of Noieverre Crater within the northern area, in order to ensure that the crater’s powers wouldn’t fall to the wrong hands. This occurrence caused Void Century, since only Neith’s higher-ups who knew the harsh truth of Zerynthia.

In the western area, Construction Gods left various guidance upon utilizing the world’s elements in the form of magic, along with the offspring of God of War. This would be the origin of the first human in the Elven Land of Alovetta. All of the western area would be under the reign of God of War’s offspring with Holy Empire of Alovetta, which could manipulate Caelux in various forms of elements.On the other hand, in the eastern area, Blessing Gods left various knowledge upon the world, which made Synestia Kingdom in the lead with their advanced technology.Only fate had the answer of the resurgence of the cursed land in the south, the Republic of Ein which would be known as Dark Domain by the new citizens of Zerynthia.After the rebirth of the 3 countries, the next year would be known as year 1 AD Zerynthian Calendar.

Chapter 4: Brutum Fulmen (847-1040 AC Zerynthian Calendar)

Frantic invasions were then done by the first emperor of Alovetta, Lou, causing panic and riot throughout Zerynthia. However, those invasions weren’t a violation of the ethical code from Zen Codex. Hence, the silence of the descendants of the founding ancestors. As the cause, Alovetta’s civilization kept on growing with advanced military powers.This matter motivated Ahtar, the 5th emperor of Alovetta, at his age of 152 years, to initiate expansion towards the eastern area in order to unite the whole land under Alovetta’s Empire magic-based system. All in line with the principles of life by the first emperor, who died after stabilizing the crisis of the western lands.In the meantime, at the eastern area, Synestia Kingdom which became the central kingdom of science, knowledge, and human resources, composed an alliance with the other smaller kingdoms in order to repel Alovetta’s invasions. This became the 1st Great War that happened in Zerynthia since the fall of Republic of Ein in the south.

The 1st Great War was so fierce between the two, yet delicately balanced. At the time, Alovetta’s magic was still in its simple form with minimum variance. On the other hand, unlike the present time, Synestia hadn’t the advanced Magitek (technology fused with magic) which could easily repulse Alovetta’s forces.The 1st Great War ended after it went on for roughly 2 centuries, where both parties had run out of resources as their support during battles. Despite that, the loss was more severe for the Synestia Alliance of the east, since Holy Empire of Alovetta tend to burn down kingdoms who declined the empire’s reign upon them. In the end, Alovetta pulled their forces back from the east with empty hands.

Chapter 5: Cadenza (1244-1290 AC Zerynthian Calendar)

Not much to be told at this point. The 2nd Great War tore the lands apart as the effect of resources’ crises, due to being over-exploited after the 1st Great War. The culprit was none other than Synestia Alliance’s expedition team, who was caught taking resources upon the lands of Holy Empire of Alovetta after the depletion of neutral area’s resources. Emperor Yohm, who was in the throne at the time, took this chance to attack Synestia Alliance’s expedition team with the alibi of self defense and punishing them for stealing Alovetta’s resources.Such audacity enraged Synestia Kingdom, thus the 2nd Great War was done within the neutral grounds for almost 5 decades. Such a long lasting war definitely sucked out both parties’ resources for the second time, it driven Alovetta’s elder Elf and Synestia’s Alliance to agree to a ceasefire. Even proceeding it to terms of peace on the later date, if possible.

Nonetheless, the peaceful offer was then blatantly rejected by Emperor Yohm who had his solid opinion of Alovetta’s necessity to fully harness their power to demolish Synestia Alliance in one blow. The 2nd Great War ended when Erza, Alovetta’s war commander, executed his coup d'etat towards Emperor Yohm with accusation of treachery upon the Empire due to his non-existent cooperation towards the peaceful agreement. The Emperor was then banished from the holy grounds of Alovetta.

Chapter 6: Hora Terminus (1530-1539)

It seemed like peace was never an option for Zerynthia. After a few centuries upon the end of the 2nd Great War, the 3rd Great War began. This occasion happened due to little Fai being tricked by the main war commander at the time, Al-Yohm; great-grandson of the 9th Emperor. The crown prince was tricked to do no other than slaughter the ruling House of Synestia Kingdom; House of Veradisia.The massacre was done as Al-Yohm’s order, triggered the counter attack by Synestia. Such abrupt attack was unexpected by Alistair, the ruling emperor of Alovetta at the time. The incident resulted in chaos upon the western lands, which raised a considerable number of casualties. Alistair then proposed a negotiation for peace, which was then surprisingly accepted by Synestia.Despite the possibility of a trap behind the agreement, Alistair had the faith that such everlasting conflict between Alovetta and Synestia can end in kinship. Alas, the emperor and the Empire’s loyalists who was with him couldn’t do much as hundred thousands of armies from Synestia Alliance ambushed them, with no discussions before. After a short battle lasting 3 days and 3 nights, Alistair fell to his death in a standing stance.The peak of the 3rd Great War occurred when Alovetta ascended the 14 years old boy to the throne, crowning him as the 13th Emperor, the youngest throughout Alovetta’s history; which happened not long after receival of a package containing the 12th Emperor’s head, the disappeared-without-a-trace figure who left the empire for the sake of peaceful negotiations.

Emperor Fai, unlike the other emperors before him who depended more on physical capabilities, was a genius in composing war tactics; proven throughout the 2 years before the death of the 12th Emperor. After roughly 4 years of war after Fai became the emperor, the end of the war became visible. General Al-Yohm, who gave away Alovetta’s secret of manipulating Caelux, became the reason behind Synestia’s capability to develop Krissala (Synestia’s signature powerful crystal) in order to hinder the conversion of Caelux into magic.Without any long waiting, one by one, the battles done by the Holy Empire of Alovetta ended up in their defeat, with the victory sealed by Synestia Kingdom. At the end, Synestia’s forces were able to break into Astana, Alovetta’s capital city, which continued with the slaughter of citizens who dared to stand up against Synestia’s armies.Violent duel between Alovetta’s 13th Emperor and Synestia’s 40th commander was inevitable. After a few days, if was then the emperor who succumbed to his death after being stabbed from the back, by his own mentor.At that very moment, every kingdoms under the jurisdiction of the Holy Empire of Alovetta bowed down to Synestia Kingdom, as the head of Emperor Fai became the ornament upon Synestia’s flagpole for a few hours. Before finally, the body along with its severed head were thrown to the flames. To Synestia’s surprise, the cremation of the late emperor didn’t only leave ashes, but also an unknown crystal. With Synestia’s claim of ownership upon the crystal, came the true end of the 3rd Great War.With it, true peace finally came upon Zerynthia. As Synestia decided to expand Her alliance to become an empire, rightfully uniting the once scattered kingdoms (thanks to Alovetta) under Her merciful wisdom.Continuation of Zerynthia's storyline will be coming soon, please stay tuned for more.

You who reach this final sphere, no paths herein will you find.

Republic of Ein was the first country which managed to unite Zerynthia as a whole. The capital city was located at the southern part of the continent, called Capital City of Eldenbaum. At first, the leaders were God of War and Goddess of Species, with the other gods and goddesses to assist as ministers and guardians of the other 3 autonomous areas. This country was built in order to stabilize Zerynthia’s condition after the crisis. Ein divided its areas based on 4 central points, where those 4 areas had their own regional autonomy rights, which meant only the guardians gods in charge had rightful authority upon their respectful areas. Those areas were :1. The Elven Land of Alovetta
The land for the fairies, this area was one of the area which wasn’t too impacted by the post-war crisis at the start of the formation of the world, because their grounds couldn’t be touched by other races. This area was guarded by the Construction Gods.
2. Isthmus of Noieverre
The land where the Noieverre Crater resided, the place where every living being would rest forever or be reincarnated as another creature. This area was guarded by the Special Gods.
3. Cargo District of Synestia
The centre of every logistic activities of Republic of Ein. Synestia had the ability to supply every areas’ needs, supervised directly by the Blessing Gods.
4. Capital City of Eldenbaum
The very heart of Republic of Ein, the centre of the government itself, directly led by the Chief Gods.

The majority of the citizens’ race was human, with most of the armies’ consisted of orc, dwarf, goblin, and other monsters. Inside the capital, the God of War and Goddess of Species ruled directly and gave the 5 great noble houses of Eldenbaum autonomy rights to govern the cities surrounding the capital.War among Gods broke and decimated the once prosperous capital, and the remnants of Hex from the Carronoah explosion corrupted the land and mutated some of its creatures as monsters.To prevent this corruption from spreading further, the other Gods decided to seal Eldenbaum alongside its residents who were unable to return to the afterlife, wandering as undead spirits. What's left from the fallen capital were only rubbles and woes, no one ever dared to venture inside or even said its name.The season of the capital city was more or less identical to the southern area which was known for its autumn season.A dead nation would not tell more tales, would it?...or do they still have some tales to tell?Perhaps they kept secrets unknown to men hidden inside, waiting to be unleashed and wreak havoc to the realm.

Pilgrim impelled to Heaven's heights, skyward keep your course.

Alovetta, the name of the lands of fairies, a holy ground untouchable by other races; races which were deemed lower than their own. But even then, the said impregnable country was tainted by the Hex and slowly began to change its root. Starting as an elven kingdom with the principium of magic, it morphed into the great Holy Empire of Alovetta; the home to elf and human who were gifted with Elemental Gods’ blessings to manipulate Caelux, to cast magic.The empire was seated on the western side of the Zerynthia map, a prolific land with a stable; unhazardous climate. In the absence of the Elemental Gods, and the God of Time; its very first Imperator, Alovetta was protected by the Hepta Invictus, the everlasting guardians of the nation itself who was under direct control from their sole, imperial leader; the almighty Imperator.

A nation deriving from a never-ending conflict between the human and the elven tribe, was not an exception to internal dissension. Striding with magic as its basis, only resulted in a veiled inequity. Nothing, value more than magic. Nothing. Thus, the advantages were already dancing on the palm of an ingenious individual since the day were born,-or simply known as the nobility. On the contrary, the ungifted magician shall assent the idea of being a commoner.Albeit the minor strife coming from social gap and the bloodshedding usurpation, the country was superficially prosperous, and was noted in history as the the leading country during its prime before it finally met its lamentable downfall during the 3rd Great War?Will the elven dance and miraculous magic could bring forth the restoration upon the fallen nation? Or, do you simply wish to hear more tales about it?

From distant silence watch We your doings, beyond the reach of mortal knowing.

The kingdom known for its advanced science and technology, despite their territory within the sands. This kingdom was the leader of an alliance of the kingdoms within the eastern area, which would later evolve into an empire. Located in the desert which was shaped as a post-war effect against the Republic of Ein. Synestia had the climate identical to the middle east regions of the Earth. Most of the citizens consisted of humans and werebeasts.Once a host for a huge alliance of kingdoms in the eastern area (Synestia Alliance), Synestia was one if not the most influential kingdom of the eastern grounds of Zerynthia. With their advanced technology (which was of course due to the mix with magic), intricate knowledge of science, reliable manpower, no other kingdom could refuse to bow down upon them in time of need. Despite all of Her might, Synestia had one noticeable flaw ; their capability to ensure food stock in place, due to their barren lands. This opened the possibility for Synestia to accept any beneficial agreements of cooperation with other kingdoms. That, until post-war of the 3rd Great War, where Synestia Kingdom was the only one capable of uniting the scattered kingdoms throughout Zerynthia into one ; Synestia Empire.

With dynastic politics, Synestia would always be led by House of Veradisia―the rightful ruling family. This wasn’t done solely by the decision of Her people, the Blessing Gods themselves who appointed House of Veradisia as the ruler family. Not without reason, this was due to the fact that the first Veradisia was a superhuman created by the goddesses, exclusively for the sake of being the leader in replacement of Them when They must be gone post-war against the Republic of Ein. With advanced intelligent and physical abilities, Veradisia would always be the superior among the others. Nevertheless, this never caused any kind of discrimination amongst them, for the wisdom of being rightful to each of their roles was explicitly written upon Synestia Zen Codex. Furthermore, the doings of House of Veradisia would always be in eternal watch of the Blessing Gods, through their special blood.Having Blessing Gods as their role models, wisdom, courage, and mercy were their principles in doing anything. Although their goddesses disappeared from them after the war against the Republic of Ein, Synestia never lost their way of living, since each of the goddesses left their own legacy. Not only Zen Codex did they leave upon their departure, they also gave Synestia special-powered crystal called Krissala and blessed flower of courage called Blossoms of Sahatha.How did the kingdom use it, you shall know more

All that lived and ever shall, by The Gods' grace to prosper now and forever.

A country directly built by the Special Gods and inhabited by Their pure descendants, along with the survivors of the post-war against the Republic of Ein. This country lied upon the northern part of the continent, which had cool climate. The dominion involved snowy mountains and vast oceans. The race of the citizens were pretty heterogen―humans, demi-human, and demigods were the majority of the race.The nation itself are separated into two parts; a well-built neutral nation above the ground and a celestial floating island, inaccesible to man; Elysia.

Since the descendants of the gods themselves were the rulers of the dominion, they were known as the overseers of Zerynthia. Violence was never their way against any conflict, except it became a necessity. Instead, their role was more of a silent judge against all incidents upon Zerynthia, only intervening once the potential of mass destruction was present and ill-will was there. In an instance, Dominion of Neith intervened during the 1st and 2nd Great War, since they could detect the ill-will during the war (the reason of mere expansion and mass destruction, that is). However, they turned silent during the 3rd Great War, for there was no ill-will they sensed upon the challenger at the time (Synestia’s reason for raising the battle flag was only to eliminate Alovetta’s ruling house’ corruption).